Best Advocates Divorce Lawyers » Legal Services » Presumed Dead Spouse? Expert Divorce Litigation Due to Presumption of Death

Presumed Dead Spouse? Expert Divorce Litigation Due to Presumption of Death

Presumed Dead Spouse? Divorce Due to Presumption of Death
Best Advocates Divorce Lawyers » Legal Services » Presumed Dead Spouse? Expert Divorce Litigation Due to Presumption of Death

Presumed Dead Spouse? Life throws unexpected curve balls, and sometimes, a marriage faces the unimaginable – the disappearance of a spouse. While hope might linger, the legal realities require clarity. Here, the concept of “presumption of death” emerges as a potential path forward, allowing a surviving spouse to consider divorce.

Presumed Dead Spouse? Navigating Divorce with Legacy Family Court Law Firm

Understanding Presumption of Death

Presumption of death is a legal concept that allows a court to declare a missing person legally dead after a specific period of absence, with no evidence of their being alive. This legal status is crucial for surviving spouses who wish to move forward with their lives and potentially remarry.

Grounds for Presumption of Death in India

The Hindu Marriage Act, 1955, governs the grounds for divorce in India for couples married under Hindu rituals. Presumption of death is one such ground, applicable when the following conditions are met:

  • Absence for Seven Years: The missing spouse must be continuously absent for a period of at least seven years.
  • No Trace or Communication: There must be no credible information or communication received from the missing spouse during this seven-year period.
  • Diligent Search: The surviving spouse must prove that they have made a diligent effort to locate the missing spouse, including contacting relatives, friends, and authorities.

Legacy Family Court Law Firm: Your Trusted Partner in Presumption of Death Divorce

At Legacy Family Court Law Firm, a team of Chennai divorce experts, we understand the emotional and legal complexities surrounding divorce based on presumption of death. Our compassionate and experienced lawyers will guide you through this sensitive process with empathy and expertise.

How We Assist You in Presumption of Death Divorce

  • Case Evaluation: We’ll meticulously assess your situation, analyze relevant legal grounds, and advise on the viability of pursuing a divorce based on presumption of death.
  • Gathering Evidence: Our lawyers will assist you in gathering evidence of your missing spouse’s absence, including police reports, missing person filings, and documentation of your efforts to locate them.
  • Filing the Petition: We’ll draft and file a petition with the court, outlining the grounds for divorce based on presumption of death and presenting the compiled evidence.
  • Court Representation: Our skilled lawyers will represent you effectively throughout the court proceedings, ensuring your rights are protected and all legal procedures are followed meticulously.

Important Considerations

While presumption of death offers a path forward, it’s crucial to understand some key considerations:

  • Re appearance of Missing Spouse: If the missing spouse reappears after the divorce is finalized, the decree can be challenged, and the marriage might be reinstated.
  • Inheritance Rights: The presumed-dead spouse’s inheritance rights might still be applicable depending on the specific circumstances.
  • Emotional Toll: The process of divorce based on presumption of death can be emotionally challenging. Our team will provide support and guidance throughout the process.

FAQs About Presumption of Death Divorce

1. What happens if the missing spouse is found after I’ve remarried?

If the missing spouse reappears after you’ve remarried based on a presumption of death divorce, your second marriage might be deemed invalid. Consulting a lawyer can help navigate this situation and explore potential options.

2. How long does a presumption of death divorce typically take?

The time frame can vary depending on the complexity of the case and the court’s schedule. However, it generally takes several months to a year to finalize the process.

3. Can I inherit from my presumed-dead spouse?

Inheritance rights depend on various factors, including the terms of any existing will and the specific laws applicable in your jurisdiction. Consulting with a lawyer is advisable to understand your inheritance rights in this scenario.

4. What are the emotional challenges associated with this type of divorce?

The process of grieving a missing spouse while pursuing divorce can be emotionally taxing. Our team can provide support and connect you with resources to help you cope with these challenges.

5. Is it necessary to have a lawyer for a presumption of death divorce?

While not mandatory, having an experienced lawyer by your side is highly recommended. The legal complexities and emotional sensitivities involved benefit greatly from professional guidance.


Divorce based on presumption of death offers a legal solution for surviving spouses facing the absence of a partner. However, it’s a process that requires careful consideration and legal expertise. Legacy Family Court Law Firm stands by your side with compassion, knowledge, and unwavering dedication to protecting your rights and guiding you through this challenging journey. So, if you’re contemplating divorce based on presumption of death, don’t hesitate to reach out to us for expert legal counsel and support.

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